[BBC] Postdoc positions bioinformatics University of Konstanz, Germany

Yves Van de Peer yves.vandepeer at psb.ugent.be
Sat Mar 1 11:23:15 CET 2008

TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics & bioinformatics

At the University of Konstanz we expect to have two postdoc positions 
available starting on April 1, 2008 in the lab of Prof. Axel Meyer at 
the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Zoology at the University of 
Konstanz in Germany.

Due to the funding of the University of Konstanz through the "excellence 
initiative" of the German government we are in the process of 
establishing a genomics/proteomics center at the university that will 
include microarray facilities and second generation sequencing 
technologies. Therefore, we are particularly interested in postdocs with 
expertise in molecular evolution, molecular phylogenetics and 
bioinformatics. We expect that a "junior professorship" in 
bioinformatics will be advertised shortly as well. These positions are 
affiliated with the new graduate school in chemical biology - for more 
information visit_ http://www.chembiol.uni-konstanz.de/_. For this new 
program we invite applications of qualified Masters students as well as 
Ph.D. candidates.

The postdoc projects we are interested in have to do with fish genomics 
and in particular comparative genomics of cichlid fish. Other projects 
deal with the evolution of gene families the evolution of the genome in 
early chordates and vertebrates. Candidates should have a strong 
interest in bioinformatics, developmental and evolutionary biology and 
should be experienced in molecular techniques and/or computational biology.

Appointments are for up to two years initially with a salary according 
to German TVL salary scale that includes extensive health and retirement 
benefits. The initial contract period would be for two years with the 
potential for additional years of funding.

Informal inquiries should be addressed to Prof. Axel Meyer 
(_axel.meyer at uni-konstanz.de_). Further information on our research can 
be obtained from our web page: www.evolutionsbiologie.uni-konstanz.de

Applications should include a CV, statement of research interests and 
email addresses of two references.  Review of applications will commence 
on March 15th 2008. Starting dates are flexible. Applications should be 
sent as one pdf file to_ axel.meyer at uni-konstanz.de_ - or by mail to 
Prof. Axel Meyer, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 
Konstanz, Germany. This search will remain open until the positions are 

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