[BBC] Fwd: [Gcb2008-info] Bioinformatics Professorship Dresden

Jacques van Helden Jacques.van.Helden at ulb.ac.be
Fri Sep 5 19:24:33 CEST 2008

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michael Schroeder <ms at biotec.tu-dresden.de>
Date: September 5, 2008 7:13:55 PM GMT+02:00
To: evelin.schrock at tu-dresden.de
Subject: [Gcb2008-info] Bioinformatics Professorship Dresden

TU Dresden, Germany has an opening for a full professorship in  
bioinformatics with a focus on medical applications and statistics.  
Deadline is 10 Oct 2008. For details please contact Prof. Dr. Evelin  

Technische Universität Dresden

Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus

Institut für Klinische Genetik

Prof. Dr. med. Evelin Schröck

Tel.:          0351-458 5136 (Sekr. Frau R. Großmann)

Fax:          0351-458 6337

Email:       evelin.schrock at tu-dresden.de <mailto:evelin.schrock at tu-dresden.de 

Website:   http://tu-dresden.de/med/kge


The Medical Faculty and University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus of the  
Technische Universität Dresden invites applications for a full W3- 
Professorship position for Medical Biometrics and Statistics. The  
successful candidate will be appointed as Head of the Institute of  
Medical Informatics and Biometrics. The appointee will be expected to  
demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities. She/He will be  
responsible for establishing an original research programme and for  
teaching medical and postgraduate students.

Selection criteria include excellent research results and relevant  
scientific publications as well as a successful track record in  
securing independent funding. Particular emphasis should be placed on  
the key area of bioinformatics in close collaboration with existing  
biomedical and translational research efforts on campus. Candidates  
are required to demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching. An  
active contribution to the restructuring of the Public Health Program  
will be expected. She/He will collaborate closely with the  
Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCC), the Coordinating Center for  
Clinical Trials (KKS) and the Computing Center (MRZ).

Applicants must hold a MD and/or PhD, habilitation or equivalent  
qualification based on a university degree in bioinformatics, medicine  
or a closely related field and should provide evidence of their  
teaching skills (employment requirements are described in paragraph 40  
Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz, 1999). The Medical Faculty Carl Gustav  
Carus of the Technische Universitat Dresden wishes to increase the  
proportion of women in research and teaching and strongly encourages  
qualified female candidates to apply.

Priority will be given to physically disabled persons with equivalent  
qualifications. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, copies of  
degree certificates, a full publication list, a short research  
proposal, a description of past and present externally funded research  
projects and a list of educational activities before October loth,  
2008 , to the Deakn der Medizinischen Fakultät Carl gustav Carus der  
Technischen Universität Dresden, Herrn Prof. Dr. med. H. Reichmann,  
Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden.

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