[BBC] PathVisio 2.0 pathway tool released

Martijn van Iersel martijn.vaniersel at bigcat.unimaas.nl
Tue Oct 20 12:57:29 CEST 2009

The BiGCaT Bioinformatics group at Maastricht University is happy to
announce the release of PathVisio 2.0. [1]

What is PathVisio?
PathVisio is a tool for creating and analysing biological pathway
diagrams. Stay organized by using PathVisio as a notebook to collect the
various bits of information related to a biological research subject.
Create images suitable for presentation or publication. Draw pathways,
export them to many image formats, annotate them with links to online
biological databases such as Ensembl or Entrez gene, and add comments
and literature references from pubmed. PathVisio is fully compatible
with WikiPathways [2], a wiki where researchers can contribute pathway

What is new?
New in PathVisio 2.0 is the ability to import experimental datasets and
visualize them on top of pathways. Explore large datasets in a way that
is more interesting and understandable than just a huge spreadsheet.
Import microarray, proteomics or metabolomics data. Microarray reporters
will be automatically converted to gene or protein identifiers. You can
customize the visualization, using gradients, boolean color rules, or
colored icons. Perform over-representation analysis to find the pathway
that was most affected by experimental conditions.

We prepared a Visual Tour [3] to get an overview of new and old features.

For Developers: PathVisio has a plugin interface that lets users
customize it to new analysis types, new visualization methods and new
pathway formats. PathVisio is fully open source, and we're always
looking for Java developers who are interested in contributing, either
to new plugins or to the core of the program. Contact us on our
mailinglist [4].

[1] http://www.pathvisio.org/
[2] http://www.wikipathways.org/
[3] http://www.pathvisio.org/wiki/VisualTour
[4] http://www.pathvisio.org/wiki/MailingLists

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