[BBC] 2011 Galaxy Community Conference, May 25-26, Lunteren, the Netherlands

Femke Francissen femke.francissen at nbic.nl
Mon Feb 7 12:06:10 CET 2011

2011 Galaxy Community Conference, May 25-26, Lunteren, the Netherlands
We are pleased to announce the 2011 Galaxy Community Conference, being held May 25-26 in Lunteren, The Netherlands. This year the conference is co-organized by the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC). The meeting will feature two full days of presentations and discussion on extending Galaxy to use new tools and data sources, deploying Galaxy at your organization, and best practices for using Galaxy to further your own and your community's research. 
Links: http://galaxy.psu.edu/gcc2011/Home.html and http://www.nbic.nl/about-nbic/events/all-events/detail/article/2011-galaxy-community-conference/ 

This event aims to engage a broader community of developers, data producers, tool creators, and core facility and other research hub staff to become an active part of the Galaxy community. We'll cover defining resources in the Galaxy framework, increasing their visibility and making them easier to use and integrate with other resources, how to extend Galaxy to use custom data sources and custom tools, and best practices for using Galaxy in your organization.

Additional topics include, but are not limited to:

- Talks submitted by the Galaxy community
- Integration of tools (including NGS analysis tools) and distributed job management  
- Deployment of Galaxy instances on local resources and on the Cloud  
- Management of large datasets with the Galaxy Library System  
- Using the Galaxy LIMS functionality at NGS sequencing facilities  
- Visualizing Data without leaving Galaxy  
- Performing reproducible research  
- Performing and sharing complex analyses with Workflows  
- An "Introduction to Galaxy" session, offered on May 24, for Galaxy newcomers 

The conference fee is €100 on or before April 24, and €120 after that. The meeting is being held at the Conference Centre De Werelt in Lunteren, The Netherlands, which is also the conference hotel. You are encouraged to register early, as space at the hotel (and at the "Intro to Galaxy" session) is limited and is likely to fill up before the conference itself does. 
Link: http://galaxy.psu.edu/gcc2011/Register.html 

Abstract submission:
Abstracts are now being accepted for short oral presentations. Proposals on any topic of interest to the Galaxy community are welcome and encouraged. The abstract submission deadline is the end of February 28. 
Link: http://galaxy.psu.edu/gcc2011/Abstracts.html 

The 2011 Galaxy Community Conference is co-sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC). 
Links: http://www.nbic.nl/ and http://www.nsf.gov/ 

About Galaxy:
Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.
- Accessibility: Galaxy enables users without programming experience to easily specify parameters and run tools and workflows.  
- Reproducibility: Galaxy captures all information necessary so that any user can repeat and understand a complete computational analysis.  
- Transparency: Galaxy enables users to share and publish analyses via the web and create Pages--interactive, web-based documents that describe a complete analysis. 

Galaxy is open source for all organizations. The public Galaxy service (http://usegalaxy.org) makes analysis tools, genomic data, tutorial demonstrations, persistent workspaces, and publication services available to any scientist that has access to the Internet. Local Galaxy servers can be set up by downloading the Galaxy application and customizing it to meet particular needs.

We are looking forward to a great conference and hope to see you in Lunteren!

The Galaxy and NBIC Teams

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