[BBC] Bioinformatics PhD job opening at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre

Sacha van Hijum svhijum at cmbi.ru.nl
Sun May 8 10:22:46 CEST 2011

Dear all,

there is a job-opening for a bioinformatics PhD student at the Radboud 
University Nijmegen Medical Centre. For those interested, please see 
below for details.

Best regards,

Sacha van Hijum

Job profile
The PhD student will work in a multidisciplinary team with other 
scientists and medical doctors to discuss, plan and perform 
bioinformatics research in a highly stimulating environment. Work-place 
will be the Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Prof. dr. P. 
Hermans) and the Bacterial Genomics group (Dr. S. van Hijum).
• Independently generate and analyze data
• Present results at (inter)national scientific meetings and in 
international peer-reviewed journals

• Msc degree in (molecular) life sciences, specializing in bioinformatics
• Background in statistics and understanding of bioinformatics 
algorithms. Knowledge of Perl/Python and R is a plus
• Preferably experience in microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry
• Fluent in English (speaking, reading and writing)
• An independent and well-structured working style
• Teamplayer and a strong motivation to succeed in scientific and 
translational research

Organization unit

Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
The Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Radboud University 
Nijmegen Medical Centre is an academic research lab in which scientists 
and medical doctors work closely together to conduct translational 
research on the pathogenesis, immunology, and epidemiology of pediatric 
respiratory tract infections. Our studies aim to increase the molecular 
and clinical understanding of the interactions occurring between host 
and pathogen during infection. This knowledge is used to design improved 
and novel diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive strategies. The 
Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases participates in the Nijmegen 
Institute for Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity (N4i) and the 
Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Science (NCMLS), with focus on basic 
science and its translation into pioneering treatments for disease. The 
innovations are advanced through technology platforms such as genomics, 
proteomics, and molecular imaging. The Laboratory of Pediatric 
Infectious Diseases works in close collaboration with the…
Bacterial Genomics group
Focus of the Bacterial Genomics group (Radboud University Nijmegen 
Medical Centre) is on the bioinformatics analysis of ~omics data of 
(consortia of) bacteria in the context of industrial fermentations, 
health and safety. The research involves (meta)genome sequencing and 
assembly, annotation, comparative genomics, RNA-seq, transcriptomics and 
multivariate analysis of ~omics datasets, all in relation to exploration 
and exploitation of the enormous microbial diversity that is found in 
Nature. The Bacterial Genomics group is part of the CMBI (Centre for 
Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics). The CMBI pursues a rigorous 
research program with topics ranging from computational small-molecule 
chemistry to bioinformatics. The CMBI is among the largest 
bioinformatics departments in the Netherlands producing dozens of high 
impact peer-reviewed publications each year. It consists of 4 research 
groups (Prof. Vriend, Prof. Huynen, Prof. de Vlieg and Dr. van Hijum) 
with strong connections with the NBiC, centre of excellence and the 
largest bioinformatics cluster in the Netherlands.

Prof. dr. P.W.M. Hermans, head of the laboratory, (024) 3666406, 
P.Hermans at cukz.umcn.nl
Dr. A.L. Zomer, bioinformatician, (024) 3651545, A.Zomer at cukz.umcn.nl
Dr. S.A.F.T. van Hijum, group leader Bacterial Genomics (024) 3619389, 
svhijum at cmbi.ru.nl

More information and online application via this link:

Dr. Sacha van Hijum

Group leader CMBI Bacterial Genomics
Group leader Bioinformatics NIZO food research B.V.
Bioinformatics coordinator Top Institute Food and Nutrition

T:  +31(0)318 659 570
F:  +31(0)318 650 400
M: +31(0)624782895
E:  sacha.vanhijum at nizo.nl or svhijum at cmbi.ru.nl
P.O. Box 20, 6710 BA EDE, The Netherlands
Kernhemseweg 2, 6718 ZB EDE, The Netherlands

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