[BBC] NBIC PhD course Protein Structures: production, prowess, power, promises, and problems

Celia van Gelder c.vangelder at cmbi.ru.nl
Mon Oct 17 11:11:24 CEST 2011

*NBIC PhD course Protein Structures: production, prowess, power, 
promises, and problems *

_Date:_ 31 Oct- 4 Nov 2011
_Course coordinator_: Gert Vriend
_Location:_ Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI), 
UMC Radboud, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
_ _
_Registration:_ http://www.nbic.nl/education/nbic-phd-school/enrolment/

*Target audience//*

The course is suitable for both PhD students working in structural 
bioinformatics as well as for PhD students in the life sciences who want 
to learn more about using structural informatioin in their research.
The course schedule accommodates both groups, parallel sessions for both 
groups will be scheduled when necessary.

*Course Description //*

In the right hands, protein structures are a 'power'ful tool to answer 
bio-molecular questions. Knowledge of the structure is a pre-requisite 
for rational drug design, for biotechnology, for chemical biology, and 
for answering a whole series of biomedical questions. In this course we 
will discuss the 'production' of protein structures by NMR, X-ray, and 
homology modelling. These methods all have their pro's and cons so a 
certain 'prowess' is needed to follow all 'promises' and start attacking 
bio-medical 'problems' using protein structures.

The course will be split in three parts.

Part 1) Looking and seeing things in protein structures, learning to 
operate the software, understanding some of the algorithms.

Part 2) Protein structure determination (prediction) with NMR, X-ray, 
and homology modelling, and the possibilities and problems that come 
with each of these three techniques.

Part 3) Applying all that was learned in real-life example studies.

*Course topics
Day 1: Homology modelling
Day 2: Protein structure determination and validation
Day 3: Electrostatics and molecular dynamics
Day 4: Protein structure comparison
Day 5: Own project executed with help from CMBI staff.

Examples of questions you will be able to answer after follwing the course:

1) Why is a person with this mutation sick? Or in other words, how does 
the molecular phenotype cause a disease state?

2) This enzyme converts mannose. Can I make is specificity broader?

3) This enzyme doesn't function in my in vitro assay. Should I add some 

4) I want to add a tag to my enzyme, should I put it on the N-terminus, 
the C-terminus, or is something different needed?

5) This receptor binds a ligand, but if I look at the structure, that 
ligand doesn't fit at all. Can I predict motions that take place upon 
ligand binding?

More information about the course programme can be found on:/

*NBIC PhD School//*

This course is part of the Education Programme of the NBIC PhD School. 
The NBIC PhD School offers training and education for PhD students in 
More information about the NBIC PhD School can also be found on 
http://www.nbic.nl => Education => NBIC PhD School.

*More information//*

For more information about the course you can contact Celia van Gelder 
(NBIC Education) at celia.van.gelder at nbic.nl.


Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Coordinator Education CMBI
Projectleader Education NBIC
tel. +31-(0)24-3666120
e-mail: C.vanGelder at cmbi.ru.nl
websites: www.cmbi.ru.nl, www.nbic.nl

Postal address:
CMBI 260
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre /NCMLS
PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

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