[BBC] talk by A. Godzik

Gipsi Lima-Mendez gipsi.lima at vub.ac.be
Thu Nov 3 11:52:25 CET 2011

Dear all,

You may be interested in the following talk:

Understanding functional disorder in proteins – examples from a stem cell regulatory network

Adam Godzik

In many proteins, the interplay between order and disorder is critical for their function. In the Joint Center for Structural Genomics we set out to map out and understand this balance in a group of transcription factors and regulatory complexes involved in stem cell differentiation. Many proteins in this network appear to be composed entirely of disordered regions, but upon more detailed analysis we started identifying small ordered "kernels" of order, possibly being switched on (and off) with post-translational modifications. With few of these "kernels" now confirmed by experimental structure determination we are applying these experiences to a broader range of human proteins

Date: Nov, 15th

VUB Room D.005, 12:00


Gipsi Lima-Mendez
Bioinformatics and (Eco-)Systems Biology
Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32-02-629 19 18
Fax: +32-02-629 19 02
gipsi.lima at vub.ac.be

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