[BBC] FW: job announcement

Tim De Meyer Tim.DeMeyer at UGent.be
Mon Dec 12 16:24:09 CET 2011

I am leading a small research team in Maastricht, and in co-operation with
the dep. of clinical genetics, we have recently obtained a post doc position
in oncogenomics (see attachment). The project will be based on the use of
Next Generation Sequencing for the identification of additional genetic
factors that can modify the cancer risks in carriers of Lynch syndrome
mutations. Special focus will be put in Endometrial cancer.


Since our expertise on database and bioinformatics analysis is poor, we are
looking for candidates who may have some background and experiences in
bioinformatics, biostatistics, genetics etc. Therefore, I would like to ask
you whether you can let this announcement circulate at your university or if
you have any candidate in mind, who may be willing to come over Maastricht
for a couple of years.


I thank you in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Best, Andrea Romano


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