[BBC] Fwd: SeqAhead training school "Next generation sequencing data analysis with Chipster" 13.-15.6.2012, Finland

Jacques van Helden jvhelden at ulb.ac.be
Wed May 9 15:23:24 CEST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eija Korpelainen <Eija.Korpelainen at csc.fi>
Date: 9 May 2012 13:44:11 CEST
Cc: "erikbong at mac.com" <erikbong at mac.com>
Subject: SeqAhead training school "Next generation sequencing data analysis with Chipster" 13.-15.6.2012, Finland

Dear SeqAhead WG3 members,
Could you please forward the following information about this COST training school to your user communities. The course is primarily targeted for biologists, but we can also organize separate sessions for developers if there is interest for that.
Best regards,
Next generation sequencing data analysis with Chipster 13.-15.6.2012, Helsinki, Finland
This course covers several aspects of NGS data analysis and visualization, ranging from quality control, filtering and alignment to more specific tasks such as finding differentially expressed genes and detecting copy number aberrations, variants, methylation and ChIP-seq peaks. The course consists of lectures and hands-on exercises using the graphical Chipster software, so no prior knowledge of NGS analysis or unix is required. For more information and registration, please see http://www.csc.fi/english/csc/courses/archive/seqahead. The deadline for registration is 20.5.2012.
The course is kindly sponsored by the SeqAhead COST Action (http://www.seqahead.eu/), which provides travel bursaries of 650 euros for 15 participants. Everybody who comes from the European union area and has no more than 8 years of research experience after obtaining PhD (COST definition for early stage researchers) can apply for a travel bursary.

The user-friendly Chipster software (http://chipster.csc.fi/) integrates a comprehensive collection of analysis tools for high-throughput data such as NGS, microarrays and proteomics. For more information about the NGS functionality, please seehttp://chipster.csc.fi/manual/tools-ngs.html. Chipster also contains a built-in genome browser, allowing users to view reads and results in their genomic context. Users can save their analysis pipelines as reusable automatic workflows, and both workflows and analysis sessions can be shared with colleagues.


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