[BBC] NSBM Spring Meeting 2013

Barbara van Kampen B.vanKampen at cmbi.ru.nl
Mon Jan 28 14:27:32 CET 2013

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2013 spring meeting of the 
(protein) structure bioinformatics society (NSBM). The meeting will take 
place in Lunteren on April 16 and run parallel with the first day of the 
annual two day NBIC meeting. We are proud to announce that two imminent  
scientists have accepted our invitation to participate in our club 

Janet Thornton is the director of the EBI. She has been one of the 
worlds pioneers in protein structure bioinformatics. She recently was 
honoured by the British queen for her imminent role in science. Janet 
will present a key-note lecture and will present to 'us' a seminar on 
EBI specific bioinformatics topics.

Daniel  Hoffmann is a bioinformatics professor from the university of 
Duisburg-Essen. He has a background in mathematics/physics, but 
nevertheless is a wonderful teacher with great skills in making 
difficult concepts clear to the more bio-oriented scientists among us. 
Daniel has accepted our invitation to explain to us the concepts behind 
the recent developments in predicting structures from sequence 
alignments (see the articles by Nimwegen, Jones, and Marks and Sander).

Additionally, we will have a poster session, and 6 poster presenters 
will be invited to present their poster in a seminar.

Here all information can be found http://www.aanmelder.nl/nbic2013/:
- The program of both the NBIC and NSBM meeting
- How  to register
- How to submit the abstract.

With kind regards,
Gert Vriend

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