[BBC] Position for a Bioinformatician/Computational biologist in France

Irene YUJNOVSKY ireneyuj at igbmc.fr
Thu Feb 21 13:45:47 CET 2013

Position for a Bioinformatician/Computational biologist 

A position is open in the Gronemeyer laboratory at IGBMC for a bioinformatician to work in the analysis and integration of genome-wide biological data, develop bioinformatics tools and establish data analysis pipelines for High-Throughput Sequencing data (ChIP Seq, RNA Seq, ChIA-PET, etc). 
Candidates must be highly motivated to work on biological questions and flexible to interact with the various members of the laboratory. They should have a degree in computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics or equivalent level of knowledge. Candidates must be comfortable working in UNIX/Linux environments and possess excellent programming skills (R, perl, python, etc). Experience in web developing would be considered an advantage. Operating language in the laboratory is English. Applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae and the names of two referees should be sent by March 15th to: Dr. Irene Yujnovsky at ireneyuj at igbmc.fr

Information about the institute and the laboratory can be found at: http://www.igbmc.fr/research/department/2/team/21/
Information about the laboratory's bioinformatics expertise: http://archive.igbmc.fr/recherche/Prog_FGC/Eq_HGron/bioinfotools.html

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