[BBC] Tenure Track Position Assistant Professor Bioinformatics

berend snel b.snel at uu.nl
Mon Oct 7 09:58:29 CEST 2013

*Open position: Assistant Professor Bioinformatics*

The Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics (TBB) group at Utrecht is 
searching for an assistant professor in bioinformatics with a track 
record reflecting exciting biological research. You will be functioning 
at the PI level, develop your own research line and supervise your own 
PhD students. Your background could be in biology provided you have a 
solid expertise in bioinformatics, or your background could be in 
computer science or physics provided you have a genuine biological 
research line.

You are expected to develop your own research line in the life sciences 
using bioinformatics approaches. This involves acquisition of grants to 
form your own group within the Bioinformatics group. Assistant professor 
positionsinvolve both research and teaching. You will be expected to 
participate in existing bioinformatics courses at the bachelor/master 
levels and to participate in the development of a new advanced 
bioinformatics course.

The staff researchers of theoretical biology and bioinformatics at the 
biology department use mathematics, computer science and bioinformatics 
to perform fundamental biological research in a variety of biological 
disciplines. Currently it is seeking to strengthen its bioinformatics 
research. The bioinformatics group develops novel bioinformatics 
approaches in the areas of comparative genomics and data integration to 
pursue research into evolution, signalling networks and plant 
bioinformatics. The group is part of the Institute of Biodynamics and 
Biocomplexity (IBB), embedded in one of the largest Biology departments 
in the Netherlands (>200 new students per year). The group teaches 
bioinformatics to biology students at the bachelor and master level. PhD 
students in the group have diverse backgrounds ranging from biology, 
chemistry to computer science, and typically half of them are from 
abroad. The IBB focuses on molecular life sciences, and is collaborating 
with other departments of the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of 
Medicine, and the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht.

To apply, please find the position here 
attach a letter of motivation, a concise (half page) research plan and 
curriculum vitae. As part of the selection procedure successful 
candidates are expected to give an outline of his/her research plans in 
a written report and an oral presentation. The application deadline is 
December**1^st , 2013.Additional information about the vacancy can be 
obtained from: dr. B. Snel (b.snel at uu.nl).

Conditions of employment: The candidate is offered a full-time position 
on a tenure track basis at the assistant professor level. The tenure 
track period is for 5 years, and after a successful evaluation this will 
be continued on a permanent basis. The salary is supplemented with a 
holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year. In 
addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, 
flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective 
Labour Agreement Dutch Universities. The research group will provide the 
candidate with necessary support on all aspects of the project. The 
gross salary is in the range between 3227 and maximum 5979 Euro per month.

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