[BBC] Bioinformatics Post-doctoral position @ INRA, France

emmanuelle morin emmanuelle.morin at nancy.inra.fr
Thu Sep 4 12:31:29 CEST 2014

*post-doctoral CONTRACT IN bioinformatiCs*

GEnomiCs and mEtagEnomiCs of FOREST SYMBIOTIC interactions



Exploration of forest symbiotic fungi genomes and functional analysis of 
metatranscriptome data.


Under its researches in biology and ecology of the forest interactions, 
the UMR IaM contribute to the functional annotation of fungi and tree 
(meta)genomic sequences. A series of research programs are developed 
within it based (1) on comparative analysis of fungal genomes and 
transcriptomes and (2) on the study of metagenomes and 
metatranscriptomes of forest soils (JGI projects: CSP #305 ‘/Exploring 
the Genome Diversity of Mycorrhizal Fungi to Understand the Evolution 
and Functioning of Symbiosis in Woody Shrubs and Trees/’, CSP#978 
‘/Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative: Exploring the Symbiotic 
Transcriptomes/’ et CSP#570 ‘/Metatranscriptomics of Forest Soil 



The research project is part of the comparative genomics and 
metagenomics programs developed in the UMR IaM Ecogenomics of 
interactions team. Its aim is to identify and characterize genetic 
determinants involved in symbiotic interactions between the mycorrhizal 
fungi and the forest trees using comparative analysis of genome, 
transcriptome and metatranscriptome data. Over the last few years, UMR 
IaM and JGI (Joint Genome Institute) joint efforts have allowed the 
assembly and the annotation of about thirty symbiotic fungi genomes. 
Bioinformatics analysis, carried in this project, will be focused 
particularly on lignocellulose degradation enzymes (CAZymes and FOLymes) 
of the fungal genomes to build a reference database and to better 
understand their regulation. These data will also help in the annotation 
and joint analysis of environmental eukaryotic metatranscripts 
sequences. The /in silico/ analysis of metatranscriptomic expression 
data will require the development of informatics processes dedicated to 
massive datasets, and the transposition of transcriptome analysis tools 
and programs to metatranscriptome data.


*methodological approaches *

- Comparative (meta)genomics of genes repertoires.

- /In silico/ analysis of 454 and Illumina (HiSeq et MiSeq) sequencing data.

- Quantification of fungal genes expression (trimming, mapping, 

- Differential gene expression and gene co-expression network

- Graphical visualization of data and basic statistical analysis.



- PhD in Biology, Informatics or equivalent

- Experience in Perl and Python programing, object oriented development, 
database management (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

- Good knowledge of UNIX environment

- Fundamentals in biology and biostatistics for data valorization.

- Good interpersonal skills, team spirit and autonomy.



- Short-term contract of 15 months (renewable one year)

- The position is at INRA in Champenoux (France).


UMR 1136, Interactions Arbres/Microorganismes (IaM).

Annegret KOHLER, kohler at nancy.inra.fr <mailto:kohler at nancy.inra.fr>-Marc 
BUEE, buee at nancy.inra.fr <mailto:buee at nancy.inra.fr>-Tél : +33 (0)3 83 
39 40 72.

Francis MARTIN, fmartin at nancy.inra.fr <mailto:fmartin at nancy.inra.fr>.

Emmanuelle MORIN, emmanuelle.morin at nancy.inra.fr 
<mailto:emmanuelle.morin at nancy.inra.fr>- Tél : +33 (0)3 83 39 41 33

  If you wish to apply for this position, email your CV (no longer than 
2 pages) and a 1-page cover letter.

Deadline for receiving applications:  1 October 2014.

Emmanuelle MORIN
UMR 1136 INRA/Université de Lorraine
F-54280 Champenoux
Tel : + 33 3 83 39 41 33

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