[BBC] PhD position: Deducing a physical interaction network between the late blight pathogen and tomato

Ridder, Dick de dick.deridder at wur.nl
Tue Oct 28 14:46:36 CET 2014

In the Plant Sciences Group of Wageningen University, there is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic PhD student to develop integrative models of interactions between infectants and plant hosts, in particular the late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans) and tomato. As infectious plant diseases form a major threat to food security and sustainable food production, such models are highly valuable tools in the quest to combat infections. The data required for the model is obtained using a unique "in vitro infection system" developed in-house, allowing to measure transcriptome, proteome and metabolome of both the individual players and their interactions. The project asks for the combination of these rich -omics data sets with available genome-scale data of host and pathogen for integrative analyses, involving the reconstruction of metabolic networks and physical protein interaction networks, both within and between pathogen and host. This will result in a high-level model of the molecular events at the interface between host and pathogen that can then be explored to formulate testable hypotheses on key molecules or interactions and may ultimately provide leads for innovative control strategies. 

We are looking for an ambitious candidate with an MSc degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, genomics or a related area. A proven proficiency in the bioinformatics analysis of large genomics data sets is required, affinity with host-microbe interactions and plant or microbial genomics is considered an advantage. You will be part of a team that includes 'wet lab' scientists from the Laboratory of Phytopathology with ample experience on Phytophthora pathosystems and computational scientists from the Bioinformatics group, experts in data integration and modelling.

The deadline for application is November 15, 2014. Additional information can be found on our website, http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Jobs/Vacancies/Show/PhD-position-Deducing-a-physical-interaction-network-between-the-late-blight-pathogen-and-tomato.htm

If you have questions about this position, please contact prof. Dick de Ridder (dick.deridder at wur.nl, tel. +31 317 484 074) or prof. Francine Govers (francine.govers at wur.nl, tel. +31 317 483 138. For information on the selection procedure, please consult mrs. Dorien Wissink (dorien.wissink at wur.nl). Applications can only be submitted online, through the website given above; please do not mail material directly to the persons above.

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