[BBC] Registration open: Data Carpentry Workshop - Data management beyond Excel, 24-25 June 2015, Utrecht

Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl
Fri May 22 13:44:47 CEST 2015

A Data Carpentry Workshop - Data Management beyond Excel
24-25 June 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Instructors: Karthik Ram (Berkeley Institute for Data Science, SC/DC), Aleksandra Pawlik (ELIXIR-UK, SC/DC)
Organisers: Mateusz Kuzak (NLeSC, ELIXIR-NL), Philip Lijnzaad (UMC Utrecht, ELIXIR-NL), Celia van Gelder (DTL, ELIXIR-NL)
Registration fee:  50 euro.
Website, including registration information:  http://apawlik.github.io/2015-06-24-dc-utrecht/
More information: celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl<mailto:celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl>

Data Carpentry
In many domains of research the rapid generation of large amounts of data is fundamentally changing how research is done. The deluge of data presents great opportunities, but also many challenges in managing, analyzing and sharing data. Data Carpentry is designed to teach basic concepts, skills and tools for working more effectively with data.  The workshop is aimed at researchers in the life sciences at all career stages and is designed for learners with little to no prior knowledge of programming, shell scripting, or command line tools.

Workshop Learning objectives  & programme
Researchers should be able to retrieve, view, manipulate, analyze and store their's and other's data in an open and reproducible way.  The workshop will cover the following topics:

*         How to use spreadsheet programs (such as Excel) more effectively, and the limitations of such programs.

*         Getting data out of spreadsheets and into more powerful tools (R).

*         Using databases, including managing and querying data in SQL.

*         Workflows and automating repetitive tasks, in particular using the command line shell.

Acknowledgements & Support
The workshop is supported by the ELIXIR programme (http://www.elixir-europe.org/ ). Data Carpentry  (http://www.datacarpentry.org/ ) is a sibling organization of Software Carpentry (http://www.software-carpentry.org/ ) and is designed to teach basic concepts, skills and tools for working more effectively with data. The structure and objectives of the curriculum as well as the teaching style are informed by Software Carpentry.

Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Education Manager NBIC/BioSB
Coordinator Education CMBI
Programme Manager Learning DTL/ELIXIR-NL
tel. +31-(0)24-3666120
e-mail: Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl<mailto:Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl>
websites: www.nbic.nl<http://www.nbic.nl/>,  www.biosb.nl<UrlBlockedError.aspx>, www.cmbi.ru.nl<http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/>, www.dtls.nl<UrlBlockedError.aspx>

Postal address:
CMBI 260
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre
PO Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands

Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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