[BBC] Join ‘Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences’ - A top bioinformatics event

Frederik Coppens frcop at psb.vib-ugent.be
Wed Sep 23 17:42:41 CEST 2015

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Join ‘Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences’ – A top bioinformatics event
Internationally renowned scientists will update you on the latest trends in this fast-evolving field

Dear Frederik,

On behalf of the organizing committee we present to you the first edition of ‘Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-d/>’.
This two-day event is organized by the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-h/>, and takes place on the 17th-18th of March, 2016 in Leuven, Belgium.

During the first edition of ABLS a fine selection of internationally renowned scientists will present you their latest data and discoveries . They will highlight the power of bioinformatics in the fields of medical, agriculture, and biotechnology research. 

Grab this opportunity to meet experts in the field and to network with hundreds of scientists coming from all around the globe.

 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-k/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-u/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-o/>
Matthias Mann <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-b/>	Peer Bork <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-n/>	Eran Segal <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-p/>
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, DE	Bioinformatics, EMBL, DE	Weizman Institute, IL
 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-x/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-m/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-c/>
Luis Serrano <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-q/>	Lodewyk Wessels <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-a/>	Nuria Lopez-Bigas <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-f/>
Centre for Genomic Regulation, ES	The Netherlands Cancer Institute, NL	University Pompeu Fabra, ES

We hope you get involved and present your latest research during the conference. Send us your abstract <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-z/> and we will get in contact with you to offer you a spot to present.

As a prelude to the ABLS conference, VIB TRAINING AT VIB is organizing a workshop to help biologists and computational biologists to better understand prerequisites once planning large data generating experiments. The course will be held on 16th of March from 9am at the Provinciehuis, Leuven. More info on the workshop will follow soon.

Networking is an indispensible part of our conference concept. A good balance between inspirational talks and networking opportunities gives you the opportunity to grow your network. Traditionally, we close the first day of our conference with a reception on-site, and gather later in the evening for an informal conference dinner.

The members of the Organizing committee selected the historical center of the city of Leuven as the setting for this two-day conference. Leuven is known for housing the Leuven university, which is one of the oldest universities of Western Europe.

Education and science is not the only strength of the region. The city is also home to the Anheuser-Busch InBev company, one of the world's largest brewing groups producing the Leuven-based  Stella-Artois beer as one of their flagship brands.

 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-v/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-e/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-s/>
KU Leuven <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-g/>	Lonely Planet's view on Leuven <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-w/>	Brewery visit: Stella Artois <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-yd/>

We hope to have triggered your interest in our conference.
In case you have questions or remarks, please feel free to contact us.

With kind regards,

On behalf of the OC,

Alexander Botzki <mailto:Alexander.Botzki at vib.be>

The members of the organizing committee:

Alexander Botzki, VIB BioInformatics Training and Service facility, VIB HQ
Evy Vierstraete, VIB Science events executive, VIB HQ
Frederik Coppens, VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, UGent
Geert Van Minnebruggen, VIB Headquarters
Lennart Martens, VIB Medical Biotechnology Center, UGent
Ligia Mateiu, VIB Department of Molecular Genetics, Unuiversity of Antwerp
Mark Fiers, VIB Center for the Biology of Disease, KU Leuven
Stein Aerts, Group Leader, Center for Human Genetics, KU Leuven
Wim Vranken, VIB Structural Biology Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Yvan Saeys, VIB Inflammation Research Center, UGent

 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-yh/>	 <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-l-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-yk/>

You received this email based on your expertise in the field.
In case this research area is not of your interests, we apologize for any inconvenience.

Please unsubscribe here <http://vib.cmail2.com/t/r-u-fdlirlt-djkrkilitk-r/> | subscription preferences <http://vib.updatemyprofile.com/r-fdlirlt-2FB52BDC-djkrkilitk-y>
Frederik Coppens, Ph.D.
	Project Leader Applied Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
	IT manager

Tel: 32 (0)9 3313812                          Fax:32 (0)9 3313809
Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, BELGIUM

frcop at psb.ugent.be                         http://www.psb.ugent.be/abb

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