[BBC] Reminder: One-day symposium - In silico drug design - Nov 30th 2015 - Villeneuve d'Ascq (Lille area)

Marc Lensink marc.lensink at univ-lille1.fr
Mon Nov 16 10:38:00 CET 2015

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder about the one-day symposium organized by the Lille
bioinformatics platform, bilille, on the use of molecular modeling for
computer-aided drug design.
The detailed schedule is now available through the link below.
Registration is free but required before Thursday, 19th November. The
number of places is limited. Lunch is offered.


Recent years have seen a rapid development of molecular modeling and
docking techniques in combination with high-throughput protein
crystallography. These novel methods have allowed many a success story
in the computer-assisted discovery of new drugs and has helped
structure-based drug design to become increasingly effective in the
development of target-based therapies. During this one-day symposium, a
panel of experts will introduce, discuss and illustrate these techniques.

The meeting will be held at the lecture hall of Campus CNRS Haute Borne
in Villeneuve d'Ascq, next to Lille, Monday, 30th November 2015.

Speakers are:
* Martine Prevost - Université Libre de Bruxelles
* Eric Henon - Université de Reims
* Anna Gaulton - EMBL-EBI, Cambridge
* Philippe Chavatte - Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Lille
* Henriette Willems - Takeda Cambridge
* Jerome de Ruyck - UGSF, Université de Lille
* Nicolas Willand and Olivier Sperandio, UMR1177, Inserm, Université de
Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille

More information and detailed schedule available here

For more information, send an e-mail to any member of the organizing
committee (marc.lensink, guillaume.brysbaert or helene.touzet, all



Guillaume Brysbaert
IR2 CNRS - Computational biology
UGSF - UMR8576
Campus CNRS Haute-Borne
50 Avenue de Halley
BP 70478
59658 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
tel: +33 3 62 53 17 32
fax: +33 3 62 53 17 01

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Marc F Lensink, CR1, PhD  marc.lensink at univ-lille1.fr
University Lille, CNRS UMR8576 UGSF, FRABio FR 3688
Parc de la Haute Borne, 50 Avenue de Halley, BP 70478
F-59658 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
tel: +33 3 62 53 17 28         fax: +33 3 62 53 17 01

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