[BBC] Tenure Track Position Assistant Professor Bioinformatics

Berend Snel b.snel at uu.nl
Fri Nov 20 11:24:47 CET 2015

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (TENURE TRACK) Bioinformatics for life sciences
and sustainability (1,0 FTE) Utrecht University

The recently created bioinformatics chair of Utrecht University is
searching for a new
assistant professor in bioinformatics. You are expected to develop or
continue your own research line in the life sciences using
bioinformatics approaches. This involves acquisition of grants to form
your own group. You will also be expected to participate in existing
bioinformatics courses at the bachelor/master levels and to
participate in the development of a new advanced bioinformatics

We are searching for a computational life scientist with a track
record reflecting exciting biological research that deeply involves
bioinformatics. You will be functioning at the Principal Investigator
level, develop your own research line and supervise your own PhD
students. Your background could be in biology provided you have a
solid experience in bioinformatics, or computer science or physics
provided you have a genuine biological research line.

For more information and/or to apply see:

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