[BBC] Registration open: Course Essential skills in data-intensive research - enabling your life science research, 25-29 January 2016, Utrecht

Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl
Tue Dec 22 21:41:39 CET 2015

Course  Essential skills in data-intensive research -  enabling your life science research
Date: 25-29 January 2016
Location:  Surf<https://www.surf.nl/en/about-surf/contact/directions-to-surf-surfmarket-and-surfnet/index.html>, Utrecht
Website including registration: https://www.surf.nl/en/agenda/2016/01/essential-skills-in-data-intensive-research-enabling-your-research/index.html?pk_campaign=2015-12-17%20SURF%20Nieuws%20EN&pk_kwd=essential%20skills%20agenda


Successfully undertaking a PhD in the 21st century requires researchers, from all disciplines, to have basic training in software development and the management and stewardship of their data resources.  However, for many scientists, the prospect of developing the skills needed to engage increasingly diverse and complex e-infrastructure is daunting.

For this reason, NLeSC,<https://www.esciencecenter.nl/> and its partners SURFsara<http://www.surfsara.nl/>, DTL<http://www.dtls.nl/> and VU<http://www.vu.nl/en/> have set up a course that will provide PhD students in the life sciences, who are  developing software or working with large data resources,  the experience and knowledge to empower their use of data and development of research software. It will equip participants with essential skills required to optimise their research now and in the coming years.

Students completing this course will have the basic skills and knowledge required to manage large datasets, utilise databases, produce metadata and ensure the long-term stewardship of their data. The course will provide students with their first introductions to programming and will demonstrate that anyone can code.

Participants will also understand the basic requirements of sustainable software development, including the use of coding environments and the need for version control and testing. Key aspects of software and data carpentry  and data stewardship will be taught.

Finally, the course will provide an introduction to e-infrastructure and show how this can be accessed and used to improve the speed and quality of research.

For Life sciences the following essentials will be brought forward in the course:

·         Dealing with Data: Data Provenance & PID, FAIR Data Stewardship, From Excel to databases, SQL & Python practicals

·         Computation & Automation: Introductions to command line, programming (Python), Github, version control, unit testing, Debugging, Documentation.

·         e-Infrastructure: Introduction and examples moving from small local to big national compute and data storage services.

Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Education Manager BioSB
Coordinator Education CMBI
Programme Manager Learning DTL/ELIXIR-NL
tel. +31613375327
e-mail: Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl<mailto:Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl>
websites: www.nbic.nl<http://www.nbic.nl/>,  www.biosb.nl, www.cmbi.ru.nl<http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/>, www.dtls.nl

Postal address:
CMBI 260
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre
PO Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands

Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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