[BBC] GATK Best Practices for Variant Discovery workshop 14-15 April 2016 (third announcement)

Bert Overduin Bert.Overduin at ed.ac.uk
Tue Mar 8 11:49:58 CET 2016

Dear all,

We still have places available for the first day of our GATK Best Practices
for Variant Discovery workshop (the lectures part).

This workshop will focus on the core steps involved in calling variants
with the Broad Institute’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (
https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/), which is one of the most, if not the
most, commonly used tool for variant calling.

We are very lucky to have this workshop delivered by three members of the
GATK team, which means you will receive training by the most expert
instructors imaginable. As they have to come all the way from the United
States, we cannot promise we will organise this workshop again soon, so if
you're interested in variant calling / GATK, this really is an opportunity
not to be missed!

The workshop will be as interactive as possible, and offer plenty of
opportunity for questions and answers.

For more information and to register, please visit

Note that the second day of the workshop (the hands-on part) is currently
fully booked, but it is still possible to be placed on the waiting list, in
case any places become available closer to the workshop date.

Please feel free to forward this mail to anyone else potentially interested
and/or to print out the attached flyer for further distribution.

Hope to see many of you in April!

With kind regards,

Bert Overduin, PhD
Bert.Overduin at ed.ac.uk

The University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories
The King's Buildings
Charlotte Auerbach Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FL
Scotland, United Kingdom

tel. +44(0)1316507403
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