[BBC] Two variant analysis courses at CSC in Finland 13- 17 June 2016

Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl Celia.vanGelder at radboudumc.nl
Tue May 10 21:08:16 CEST 2016

Please note that registration is now open for the following two variant analysis courses at CSC in Finland:

Variant analysis workshop 13.-15.6.2016 (www.csc.fi/web/training/-/variant-analysis<http://www.csc.fi/web/training/-/variant-analysis>)

This ELIXIR EXCELERATE -funded course covers several aspects of variant analysis including variant annotation and prioritization. It consists of lectures and hands-on exercises which are suitable for everybody, as analysis is performed with easy-to-use graphical tools (the VEP hands-on tutorial on day 2 contains also an optional session for participants with coding experience). Participants can select and combine the following course days according to their needs:

13.6.2016 Introduction to variant analysis from sequencing data
-Variant analysis with Chipster

14.6.2016 Variant annotation and effect prediction
-Analysing variation data with the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
-Genome variant annotation and interpretation in a clinical context using omnomicsQ

15.6.2016 Variant analysis and prioritization
-European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA)
-RD-Connect genomics analysis platform
-Variant prioritization with UMD-Predictor, VarAFT and Human Splicing Finder

Variant analysis with GATK 16.-17.6.2016 (www.csc.fi/web/training/-/gatk<http://www.csc.fi/web/training/-/gatk>)

This course covers the core steps involved in calling variants with the Broad's Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), using the Best Practices developed by the GATK team. It highlights key functionalities such as the GVCF workflow for joint variant discovery in cohorts, RNAseq specific processing, and somatic variant discovery using MuTect2. The trainers also preview capabilities of the upcoming GATK version 4, including a new workflow for CNV discovery. The course consists of a lecture day which is suitable for everybody, and an optional hands-on day for which you need to have basic familiarity with the command line environment.

Best regards,

Eija Korpelainen, Ph.D
Product Manager
Application services, Bioinformatics
CSC - IT Centre for Science
P.O.Box 405
02101 Espoo, Finland
Phone +358 50 381 9726

Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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