[BBC] Open PhD position (bioinformatics) at UMC Utrecht Netherlands

Ridder-4, J. de J.deRidder-4 at umcutrecht.nl
Fri Jun 3 18:56:34 CEST 2016

You will join the recently established group of dr. de Ridder as a PhD student. The de Ridder lab is focussed on creating and applying advanced computational techniques to high-throughput molecular datasets and develops novel data integration strategies to further disease biology. You will participate in a research project funded by the Gieskes-Strijbis fund. The project is part of a collaboration between the research groups of Dr. W. Kloosterman (Genetics), Prof. H. Clevers, PhD, MD (Hubrecht Institute) and Prof. dr. E. Witteveen (Medical Oncology). Dr. Kloosterman has a strong background in (cancer) genomics and extensive expertise in the analysis of genome and transcriptome sequencing data. Prof. H. Clevers is director of the Princess Maxima Center for pediatric oncology and key scientist behind the organoid culture system. Prof. dr. E. Witteveen is an expert on ovarian cancer biology and focuses on testing of novel cancer drugs in clinical trials.

The primary focus of the PhD project is the identification and computational characterization of novel mechanisms of drug sensitivity and resistance in ovarian cancer. This will be achieved by establishing and characterizing a “living” organoid biobank for ovarian cancer using organoid technology, thus capturing to a certain extent the genetic variability of this tumour type. A major part of this project will concern the analysis and interpretation of large-scale genome and transcriptome data and the selection and molecular characterization of novel genetic variations that are associated with response to chemotherapy or targeted drugs. The latter part involves experimental models, such as mouse, cell lines and organoids, followed by functional assays.

If you are (or know someone who is) educated as a bioinformatician or computational biologist with a data analysis mindset, please get in touch! The ideal candidate should have affinity with machine learning, statistics and computational science in general and demonstrable knowledge of molecular biology and/or cancer biology.

For more information: http://www.werkenbijumcutrecht.nl/vacatures/Paginas/phd-student-group-de-ridder%20(2016-0484).aspx


Jeroen de Ridder


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