[BBC] Call for Participation: Computing a Tissue - 1st International Workshop on Modelling Multicellular Systems

Sara Montagna sara.montagna at unibo.it
Thu Aug 25 00:34:48 CEST 2016

[Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students.]

                                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                 1st International Workshop on Modelling Multicellular Systems

                                        September 4, 2016

                           To be held in conjunction with the
          15th European Conference on Computational Biology
                                        (ECCB 2016)
          The Hague, Netherlands; September 3-7, 2016 --- http://www.eccb2016.org<http://saso2012.univ-lyon1.fr/>

Aims and Scope

Computational modeling and simulation are emerging as important tools to answer the age-old question in biology:
                                         How do cells form tissues?
While modern microscopy and bio-image informatics are generating quantitative data on tissue formation at unprecedented rates, computational models are increasingly necessary to interpret these data, test biological hypotheses and ultimately provide a mechanistic understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive the morpho-dynamics of multicellular systems.

In recent years, computational models of multicellular systemshave been successfully applied in a wide range of fields including animal and plant morphogenesis, stem cell biology, regeneration, vascular development and tissue engineering. Despite notable differences in the application and validation of models, a common set of approaches has emerged to elucidate the logic of the biochemical and biomechanical interactions between cells.

The workshop “Computing a tissue” present the state-of-the-art in computational modeling of multicellular systems. It highlights landmark studies of multicellular modeling across a range of biological fields, discusses the strengths and challenges of various modeling approaches and examines the current and upcoming computational methods and tools.

All students and researchers interested in the computational modeling of multicellular systems are welcome.

Topics of Interest

  *   Applications of computational modeling to

  *   animal and plant development
  *   regeneration
  *   organ physiology
  *   skin homeostasis
  *   tissue engineering
  *   organoids

  *   Innovative methods concerning

  *   quantitative image analysis
  *   image-based modeling
  *   cell-based models
  *   multi-scale modeling

Important Deadlines

Online registration: September 2, 2016 (extended)

Co - Organisers

Walter de Back, TU Dresden, Germany
Roland Merks, CWI Amsterdam & Uni Leiden, the Netherlands
Sara Montagna, Università di Bologna, Italy


  *   Nadine Peyriéras<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#peyrieras> (CRNS, France)
  *   Christophe Godin<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#godin> (INRIA, France)
  *   Niels Grabe<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#grabe> (Uni Heidelberg, Germany)
  *   Jörg Galle<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#galle> (Uni Leipzig, Germany)
  *   Natalia Melnikova<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#melnikova> (ITMO Uni, Russia)
  *   Stefan Hoehme<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#hoehme> (Uni Leipzig, Germany)
  *   Mark Alber<http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/speakers/#alber> (Uni Notre Dame, USA)

More Info at http://walter.deback.net/ECCB2016/

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