[BBC] PhD position: meiotic control of recombination in crops

Ridder, Dick de dick.deridder at wur.nl
Mon Nov 27 09:33:48 CET 2017

Dear all,

We are looking for an enthusiastic bionformatics PhD candidate on a Marie Curie ITN project titled "Meiotic control of recombination in crops". The goal is to analyse crossover formation in crop genomes using novel combinations of high-throughput sequencing (Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore, 10X Genomics) and optical mapping (BioNano Genomics) data, to learn about crossover frequency in haplotypes, genome structure and structural variation in parental lines and offspring of crops such as tomato, potato, melon, and lettuce. Sequence and genome structural data will be mined using machine learning techniques to find features influencing recombination.

Candidates should hold an MSc degree in bioinformatics, computer science (with a demonstrable affinity for biology) or related area. We are specifically seeking a candidate with a strong background in algorithm development, preferably related to machine learning, and demonstrable skills in mathematics and statistics. You will be based in Wageningen, and collaborate with other PhD candidates in this EU-wide project and with researchers at Wageningen University and in industry. Note that under the Marie Curie ITN rules, applicants cannot have resided in The Netherlands for more than 12 months over the past three years.

Additional information about the position can be found at https://www.wur.nl/nl/vacature/PhD-position-Meiotic-control-of-recombination-in-crops.htm. Interested candidates can apply up to January 15, 2018 through this website.

Best regards,

prof. Dick de Ridder
Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

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