Daniele Parisi Daniele.Parisi at esat.kuleuven.be
Thu May 24 14:27:07 CEST 2018

Dear colleagues in bioinformatics and computational biology, 

In order to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to
attend the ESCS 2018 (European student council symposium of
bioinformatics and computational biology), we are happy to announce
there will be 3 travel fellowship available. The value of the travel
fellowship will depend on the distance the recipient has to travel;
please note the travel fellowship may not cover all your travel and/or
hotel expenses. 


In order to be eligible for the travel fellowship your abstract should
be accepted for presentation at the symposium. 

Should you be awarded a travel fellowship by ECCB 2018, the ESCS travel
fellowship will be withdrawn. 


Please provide a PDF document containing 

 	* The abstract you have submitted
 	* A copy of your curriculum vitae (CV)
 	* A brief motivation describing why you would like to attend the ESCS
and why you require a travel fellowship to do so

Please send your application to escs at iscbsc.org before JULY 7TH, 2018 

Your application will be judged based on the scientific quality of your
work and your motivation. In addition, your country of origin will be
take into consideration; in the case of applications of equal quality
preference will be given to applicants from lower income countries. 

Do not hesitate to spread this mail through your colleagues, 

Best regards 

The ESCS2018 executive team 

 PhD student at ESAT - STADIUS, Yves Moreau's group
 President of RSG Belgium 
Chair of ESCS 2018

 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - box 01.34
 3001 Leuven, Belgium 

 Tel: +32488794394
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