[BBC] Introduction to RNA-seq Workshop @Edinburgh Genomics

TRAIN edgenomics-training edge-training at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jan 28 15:59:09 CET 2019

Transcript identification and quantification through RNA sequencing is a key tool throughout the life sciences. With so many workflows now available, making a start analysing your own RNA-seq data can be a bewildering experience. Let our expert bioinfomaticians guide you through a tried-and-tested RNA-seq data analysis workflow at the country's leading open-access genome facility.

Our ever-popular 'Introduction to RNA-seq Data Analysis' workshop will be running again this spring on the 9-10th May 2019 at the Kings Buildings campus, University of Edinburgh.

This course covers the following topics:

  *       Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing
  *       Quality control and data pre-processing (FastQC, cutadapt)
  *       Mapping to a reference genome (STAR, SAMtools)
  *       Visualisation of mapped reads (SAMtools, IGV)
  *       Introduction to R (R, Rstudio)
  *       Estimating gene count (featureCounts)
  *       Differential expression analysis (R, RStudio, edgeR, rtracklayer, ggplot2, pheatmap)
  *       Functional analysis (GSEABase)

The two day course costs £400 including lunches and refreshments.

For more information see our training website at http://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/introduction-rna-seq-data-analysis

or to sign up fill out this form at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/736PQLC

If you have any further questions about the course or any others that we provide please drop us a line at edge-training at ed.ac.uk<mailto:edge-training at ed.ac.uk>

Not the course your looking for? Tell us what training courses you need in this short survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7M6QB2D

Kind Regards

Nathan Medd
Training and Outreach Manager

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