[BBC] Postdoctoral position in protein bioinformatics in Bergen, Norway

Tom Venken tom.venken at kuleuven.vib.be
Thu Mar 21 09:45:13 CET 2019

Please find below the following vacancy:

Dear colleagues,

there is an opening for a postdoctoral position in my group at the University of Bergen, Norway, from ca. May/June 2019. The position is for nearly 3 years. We are looking for someone with expertise in (and a genuine interest for!) protein bioinformatics to work with peripheral membrane proteins. Detailed information about the requirements for the job, and links to the application form can be found at https://www.cbu.uib.no/reuter/reuter-join-us. I can also be contacted (nathalie.reuter at uib.no<mailto:nathalie.reuter at uib.no>) for further information about the project.
Deadline for application is on March 27th.

I would appreciate if you could forward this ad to relevant mailing lists and potentially interested young colleagues. Thank you!

Kind regards,
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