[BBC] Upcoming HPC training events for life scientists organised by SURFsara and ELIXIR-NL: 23-24 April and May 9 2019 , Utrecht, the Netherlands

Celia van Gelder celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl
Wed Mar 27 11:12:29 CET 2019

Dear all, 


On behalf of Mateusz Kuzak and ELIXIR-NL please find below the announcements of two upcoming HPC courses targeted at Life Science researchers. 

Please spread in your organisation as you see fit.

Thank you!




Dear all,

SURFsara in collaboration with ELIXIR-NL and DTL is organising two High-Performance Computing workshops targeted at life science researchers. 


Both workshops will take place in Utrecht in SURF offices.

 <https://carlos-tb.github.io/2019-04-23-Cluster-Computing-ELIXIR/> "Cluster Computing for Life Sciences" is a two-day workshop.
On the first day, participants will learn the basics of the Unix shell and how to work on the command line efficiently and how to access resources with more computing power (computer cluster) and run the computations remotely. On the second day, they will learn the basics of Python programming language and build a simple analysis pipeline with Snakemake and execute it on the computer cluster.

Website and registration <https://carlos-tb.github.io/2019-04-23-Cluster-Computing-ELIXIR/> 
Time and Date: 9 am - 5 pm, 23 - 24 April, 2019
Registration fee: Registration is free of charge
Location: SURF Utrecht. Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne), Moreelsepark 48, room 3.5, 3511 EP Utrecht


 <https://carlos-tb.github.io/2019-05-09-Deep-Learning-ELIXIR/> "Deep Learning for Life Sciences" is a one day workshop. In the morning, participants will learn the basics of machine learning and artificial neural networks. In the afternoon they will gain hands-on experience with applying newly acquired skills to analyse imaging data with Python in Jupyter Notebooks.

Website and registration <https://carlos-tb.github.io/2019-05-09-Deep-Learning-ELIXIR/> 
Time and Date: 9 am - 5 pm, May 9, 2019

Registration fee: Registration is free of charge
Location: SURF Utrecht. Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne), Moreelsepark 48, room 3.5, 3511 EP Utrecht


kind regards,



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