[BBC] Cloud developer position Ghent University

Michiel Van Bel Michiel.VanBel at psb.vib-ugent.be
Mon Jun 3 17:10:28 CEST 2019

Dear all, 

Ghent University and VIB are looking for a motivated software developer within the ELIXIR life sciences framework. 


The PLAZA platform for comparative, evolutionary, and functional genomics is a data resource that integrates gene and genome information ( [ https://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza | https://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza ] ). It offers a wide variety of tools to end-users through a web interface, in order to help speed up both small-scale and large-scale data analyses. Multiple independent instances of the platform exist, where each instance either focuses on a different phylogenetic clade, or uses improved gene annotations and genome assemblies compared to previous instances. In order to scale up the building of these instances, we are looking for a software developer to help with moving the PLAZA platform to cloud-based systems. 

Your tasks: 

    * You are responsible for the design and implementation of the necessary tool-chain for building PLAZA instances in the cloud (e.g. OpenStack, Amazon cloud, Azure, etc.). 
    * You assist with the building of new PLAZA instances, and help with the implementation of unit-tests to check the status and validity of newly build PLAZA instances. 
    * You implement configuration and administration utilities for end-users, to facilitate building PLAZA instances. 


You hold a degree of Master in computer science, bioinformatics, (bio)engineering, biotechnology or an equivalent degree 

    * Hands-on experience with Linux/Unix environments and BASH scripting 
    * Proficiency in at least one programming language (e.g. Java, Python, …) and one scripting language (e.g. Perl, Python, …) 
    * Good working knowledge of relational databases and SQL 

How to apply? 
Click the link below to access the job-portal of Ghent University 

[ https://career5.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=C0000956575P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_GB&site=VjItSmJSOVQrSWdMM0ZGS0o1NlhCVFAzUT09&career_job_req_id=12308&selected_lang=en_GB&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=A0%2f7iUGNK%2bAHSKLJELzNjl2zano%3d | https://career5.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=C0000956575P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_GB&site=VjItSmJSOVQrSWdMM0ZGS0o1NlhCVFAzUT09&career_job_req_id=12308&selected_lang=en_GB&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=A0%2f7iUGNK%2bAHSKLJELzNjl2zano%3d ] 

Michiel Van Bel - Postdoctoral fellow 
Applied Bioinformatics And Biostatistics 

VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology 
Ghent University 
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71 - 9052 Ghent - Belgium 
Tel. +32(0)9 331 36 95 
[ http://www.psb.ugent.be/ | www.psb.ugent.be ] 

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