[BBC] Postdoc position Bioinformatics: Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics

mbizet mbizet at ulb.ac.be
Wed Jun 26 09:02:35 CEST 2019

Dear all,

A postdoctoral position (see attachment) is available for a highly 
motivated PhD that wishes to join the Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics 
(http://fukslab.ulb.be/ ) headed by Prof. François Fuks (ULB-Cancer 
Research Center, Brussels). The research goal will be the analysis of 
transcriptomic and epigenomic changes (/e.g./ DNA methylation, histone 
modifications) that arise in cancers. Particularly the analysis of next 
generation sequencing data concerning a novel RNA epigenetic 
modification, which our lab recently investigated, will be one of the 
main challenging tasks of the candidate (Delatte et al., Science 2016). 
He/she will also participate in several projects with high impact factor 
publication potentials.

The host lab is running a Next Generation Sequencing platform 
(http://epics.ulb.be/) and the candidate will have the opportunity to 
analyse many types of sequencing methods (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, RIP-seq, 
CLIP-seq, Oxford Nanopore, … ), while having a direct interaction with 
the wet lab biologists generating the data. The host lab is part of the 
ULB-Cancer Research Center (U-CRC) (http://ucrc.ulb.be/), providing a 
high profile scientific environment. The candidate will join other 
experienced bioinformaticians working on transcriptomics and 
epigenomics, and collaborate with bioinformaticians from our university, 
as well as with other institutes from Belgium and abroad.

The candidate should hold a PhD (or about to be obtained) in 
bioinformatics, bio-engineering, biomedical sciences or eventually in 
engineering or computer sciences and demonstrate proficiency in 
statistics and programming (/e.g./ R, python). Experience with sequence 
data, genome-wide data sets (/e.g./ ChIP-seq, RNA-seq ...) or massive 
datasets analysis will be assets. The applicant should have good 
organizational skills, a taste for interdisciplinary research, excellent 
scientific writing and presenting skills and be able to work 
independently. The interaction with the biologists in the lab will be 
key for the success of this project and genuine interest for biology and 
clinical researches is required. A good biological background will be 
valuable. This position is funded for 2 years, with the possibility of 
further renewal. Screening of applications begins immediately and 
continues until an outstanding candidate is selected (flexible starting 

Please send a motivation letter, a CV and names of two referees to 
Martin Bizet (mbizet at ulb.ac.be)


Martin Bizet

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics

Laboratory of Cancer Epigenetics

ULB, Brussels, Belgium

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