[BBC] Assistant/associate professor position at Wageningen University

Ridder, Dick de dick.deridder at wur.nl
Fri Jun 28 10:02:36 CEST 2019

Position: assistant/associate professor in bioinformatics or computational biology

The Wageningen Bioinformatics Group has a vacancy for an assistant / associate professor in bioinformatics or computational biology. As a candidate, you have a good scientific track record and a drive to develop your own research line. You can attract funding to build and support a group and you are able to set up a strong academic and industrial network. Your research should connect method development to application, be relevant for plant, animal or microbial biotechnology, and complement the current expertise in the group. Relevant areas include (but are not limited to) metagenomics, metabolomics, proteomics and phenomics. You strive to become an enthusiastic and knowledgeable teacher and supervisor in bioinformatics. Finally, you are a collaborative team member, contributing to the organization of the group, the university and the scientific community at large. 

Wageningen University & Research focuses on food, health and the living environment and is one of the leading organisations in this domain worldwide. The Bioinformatics Group provides a collaborative working environment with young, dedicated staff with expertise in a number of areas, particularly in genomics. Our group is strongly embedded in the Plant Sciences Group and collaborates intensively with Wageningen Research. We maintain extensive computational resources and have the opportunity to teach (advanced) MSc courses and supervise thesis projects in the Master’s Programme in Bioinformatics. We offer a meaningful job with a competitive salary (depending on your experience) and good benefits. The Wageningen tenure-track system provides an excellent opportunity and support for academic development. 

For more information and an online application form (deadline September 8, 2019), please see https://tinyurl.com/y3ucfwys or contact Dick de Ridder (dick.deridder at wur.nl).

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