[BBC] "Making microscopy data FAIR: Why? What? How?" 10 December 2019, Delft

Celia van Gelder celia.van.gelder at dtls.nl
Thu Nov 28 07:37:31 CET 2019

On behalf of Marta Teperek:



"Making microscopy data FAIR: Why? What? How?" 

by Katy Wolstencroft from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
and Bernd Rieger from TU Delft. 



Why would you want to share microscopy data? There are multiple reasons for
this. First, storing and finding large image databases from a heterogeneous
group of scientists can be very challenging, especially if they work at
multiple locations. Second, to make research more efficient: if microscopy
data was more findable and accessible, this could facilitate a broad range
of scientists to make ground-breaking discoveries. So what do you need to
this happen and how would you do it?


The platform Wolstencroft and Rieger have in mind will not only provide
coordinated access to cutting-edge imaging technologies but also solutions
and training for FAIR data. They like also to discuss the challenges
encountered and suggestions for other communities which would like to make
their data more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable).


Date and location: 

*	Tuesday 10 December, 16.00 - 17.30
*	Hall 10, Pulse, TU Delft


Read more and register:


Best wishes,


Marta, on behalf of all the organisers

Marta Teperek, PhD

TU Delft Library | Research Data Services | Data Stewardship Coordinator 
M +31 (0) 63 40 81 427 | m.teperek at tudelft.nl <mailto:m.teperek at tudelft.nl>
| @martateperek


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