[BBC] Open positions in single-cell transcriptomics in Barcelona

Mireya Plass Pórtulas mplass at cmrb.eu
Wed Dec 18 17:02:39 CET 2019

Dear colleagues,

I am starting a new lab at the CMRB (https://www.cmrb.eu/en_index.html) in Barcelona with the focus on studying how post-transcriptional regulation affects cellular differentiation using high-throughput and single-cell transcriptomics methods. Right now, I am hiring two computational PhD students  (http://bit.ly/2EE4zel) and an Experimental Research Associate (http://bit.ly/35wKKRJ) to join my lab, although I am interested in recruiting both computational and experimental people at different levels.

I would be glad if you could distribute this email though your network and forward it to interested candidates.

Best Regards,

Mireya Plass

Mireya Plass, Group Leader
Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona (CMR[B])
Hospital Duran i Reynals
Gran Via de l'Hospitalet 199,
08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain

Twitter: @miriplass


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