[BBC] Job posting for Postdoc positions at VU Amsterdam in the Complex Trait Genetics (CTG) lab

Posthuma, D. danielle.posthuma at vu.nl
Fri Jan 24 16:54:52 CET 2020

Dear all,

The department of Complex Trait Genetics at the VU University in Amsterdam, headed by Prof. Dr. Danielle Posthuma is looking for several highly skilled and motivated Postdoctoral fellows to work on a large collaborative project that aims to develop computation tools to interpret genetic discoveries from GWAS studies in biological context. We are looking for computationally oriented people that have programming experience and are either knowledgable in bioinformatics (eQTL, scRNA, and/or HiC datasets) or have a more statistically oriented background. The positions are funded by an EU - ERC Advanced grant. Positions are open until filled and applications are continuously evaluated.

For more information on the team see: https://ctg.cncr.nl

For more information on the positions contact Danielle Posthuma (d.posthuma at vu.nl<mailto:d.posthuma at vu.nl>) or:
https://bit.ly/2P5uFNH &

 Please distribute in your circles.


Prof. dr Danielle Posthuma  |  Head of Dept. Complex Trait Genetics | VU - Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research & VUMC | Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam | The Netherlands | T: +31 20 5982823  | E: d.posthuma at vu.nl<mailto:d.posthuma at vu.nl> | W: ctg.cncr.nl<http://ctg.cncr.nl>
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