[BBC] Postdoc and research assistant position available

Alessandro Rossi alessandro.rossi.23 at studenti.unipd.it
Mon Jan 27 17:15:39 CET 2020

Dear colleagues,
In our genomics and bioinformatics unit at Padova University (
http://genomics.cribi.unipd.it/main/), we have open positions for PostDoc
and research assistant (PhD not required) to be included in projects that
require bioinformatics skills. Our research group focuses mainly on
microbial genomics analysis, metagenomics, identification of molecular
markers (SNPs) and flux balance analysis. In particular, the candidates we
are looking for should have at least basic knowledge in programming (bash,
python or R). Preference will be given to those who have experience in 16S
rRNA sequencing process and related data management, genome assembly,
RNA-seq data analysis, and molecular phylogeny.
We look forward to your feedback in the hope that you have motivated people
to suggest to us.
Anyone who is interested can contact prof. Stefano Campanaro (
stefano.campanaro at unipd.it) or Dr. Laura Treu (laura.treu at unipd.it).
Thank you all for your consideration.

Alessandro Rossi
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