[BBC] online open Software Carpentry workshop on April 14-17

Mateusz Kuzak mateusz.kuzak at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 09:50:27 CEST 2020

Dear all,

The Netherlands eScience Center is organising a Software Carpentry workshop on April 14-17. As a consequence of the social distancing measures applied to counteract the covid-19 spread, we have decided to host the workshop entirely online. To accommodate parents and those taking care of their families or having other responsibilities, we decided to spread out the workshop over four consecutive mornings. The workshop covers (i) introduction to Unix shell, (ii) version control with git and collaboration on GitHub, (iii) introduction to exploratory data analysis in Python with the use of Jupyter notebooks. The workshop is free of charge, but it is limited to 20 participants (first come, first served). Please find the schedule and more information on the workshop website and register via the Eventbrite.

kind regards,
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