[BBC] Postdoc microbial bioinformatics

Kupczok, Anne anne.kupczok at wur.nl
Tue Jan 26 13:32:44 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

The Evolutionary (Meta-)genomics group in the Bioinformatics Group at Wageningen University invites applications for a postdoc position. The position is for one year with the possibility for extension depending on funding.

We are interested in the evolution and function of CRISPR associated (Cas) genes in archaea. CRISPR-Cas is the adaptive immune system of bacteria and archaea and, in addition, some cas genes occur outside of CRISPR-Cas loci, where they are potentially involved in functions beyond defense. For example, casposons are mobile genetic elements encoding Cas1. We are interested in detecting such non-canonical cas genes in archaea, predicting their function, and studying their evolution. We offer the opportunity to develop the focus of the project with respect to own research interests.

Candidate qualification and competences:
PhD in bioinformatics or a related field; excellent background in high-throughput sequencing analysis and comparative genomics; interest in close collaborations with experimental biologists; high self-motivation; excellent English language skills; ideally background in microbial genomics, evolution, and mobile elements.

The position is based at Kiel University and the project will be led by Dr. Anne Kupczok (Wageningen University, Netherlands) in collaboration with Prof. Ruth Schmitz-Streit  (Kiel University, Germany). The project can be carried out at either place or also remotely.

Applications should include a motivation letter (max. 2 pages), CV, publication list, and names and contact details of at least two referees in a single pdf. Evaluation of the applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled, with a desired starting date as early as possible.

To apply or for enquiries regarding the position and research topic, please contact Anne Kupczok: anne.kupczok at wur.nl<mailto:anne.kupczok at wur.nl>

Please forward this announcement to suitable candidates. Best,
Anne Kupczok

Dr. Anne Kupczok
Assistant Professor
Bioinformatics, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University

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