[BBC] Assistant Professor (DDLS Fellow) in Data-driven Evolution and Biodiversity at Uppsala University, Sweden

Bengt Persson bengt.persson at icm.uu.se
Thu Jun 17 11:38:24 CEST 2021

Dear all,

Assistant Professor (DDLS Fellow) in Data-driven Evolution and Biodiversity

Uppsala University is recruiting an associate senior lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor) with tenure track in data-driven evolution and biodiversity. The position comes with a very generous package of SEK 17 million, which is intended to cover five years of the fellow’s salary, two doctoral students, two post-doc positions and ongoing costs. This position is part of a large initiative funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, to promote data-drive life sciences, in collaboration with SciLifeLab (see more here: https://www.scilifelab.se/data-driven/)

See the full description and apply here:

Deadline 6 September 2021.

Sorry for cross-posting.

All the best,
Bengt Persson


Bengt Persson, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Bioinformatics
Head of department
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (ICM)
Uppsala University

Telephone:    +46 18 471 4422
Mobile phone: +46 70 425 0230
Facsimile:    +46 18 530 396
E-mail:       bengt.persson at icm.uu.se<mailto:bengt.persson at icm.uu.se>

Uppsala University
ICM -- Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
BMC, room C10:308c
Box 596
S-751 24 Uppsala, SWEDEN

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