[BBC] BioSB course: Integrated Modeling and Optimization - 13-17 December 2021

Femke Francissen femke.biosb at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 16:06:30 CEST 2021

*BioSB course: Integrated Modeling and Optimization *

*Date: 13-17 December 2021, in Wageningen *

Computational modeling is an absolute requisite to gain understanding of
the biological mechanisms underlying patterns observed in experimental
data. However, one could say that modeling is a craftsmanship that can only
be learned via intense exercising and ‘learning by doing’. In this course
we offer the participants the possibility to learn and exercise the
modeling process and the optimization techniques needed to fit models to

In the course the students will learn:

   - to understand the common ground and the differences for applications
   of dynamic modeling in metabolic, regulatory, signaling, and multi-scale
   biological processes
   - how to set-up a dynamic model to represent biological networks using
   different interaction mechanisms
   - to implement, simulate and analyze dynamic network models
   - to understand the wide variety of problems in modeling that can be
   solved with optimization ·
   - to apply different types of numerical optimization methods: global and
   local search methods: steepest descent, Levenberg-Marquardt, genetic
   algorithms, linear programming.
   - the combination of dynamic modeling and optimization to integrate
   experimental data in modeling, estimate model parameters and design
   - to understand how numerical optimization (linear programming) works in
   flux balance analysis to simulate metabolic network models.

*Target audience*
The course is aimed at PhD students with a background in bioinformatics,
systems biology, computer science or a related field, and life sciences.
Participants from the private sector are also welcome. A working knowledge
of mathematics, especially differential equations, is recommendable, but we
will distribute preparation material to be studied by students missing the
required background. Furthermore, at the start we offer a math refresher to
help those participants who are not (yet) involved in modelling on a daily

Read more and register!

Please note that the course will be given as a* live course* and it will
not be possible to participate hybrid/online.

*About BioSB*
BioSB <https://www.dtls.nl/biosb/> is the Netherlands Bioinformatics and
Systems Biology research school. BioSB constitutes a network of Dutch
research groups in bioinformatics and systems biology. It focuses on
knowledge exchange and training in bioinformatics and systems biology in
the Netherlands. BioSB organises a yearly BioSB conference and ‘Hot Topics’
meetings on state-of-the-art approaches in bioinformatics and systems
biology. In addition BioSB offers a diverse course program
<https://www.dtls.nl/biosb/courses/> for specialists in bioinformatics and
systems biology.

You can contact us via: education at biosb.nl
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