[BBC] NVWA is hiring a Scientific employee bioinformatics

Visser, M. (Michael) m.visser at nvwa.nl
Thu Feb 10 15:01:38 CET 2022

Dear colleagues,

We, at the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) are hiring a Scientific employee bioinformatics. If you are interested to develop tools and pipelines that help safeguard plant health and you have sufficient knowledge of the Dutch and English language, please follow the link below:

Vacature: Wetenschappelijk Medewerker Bio-informatica, Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) - Werken voor Nederland<https://www.werkenvoornederland.nl/vacatures/wetenschappelijk-medewerker-bio-informatica-NVWA-2022-0001#0>

Feel free to forward this vacancy to potential candidates.

Kind regards,

Dr. Michael Visser
Scientific employee (bioinformatics and sequencing)
National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO)
M 06 11718742
Nationaal Referentie Centrum (NRC) fytosanitair
Directie Handhaven, Divisie Laboratoria
Nederlandse Voedsel- en Waren Autoriteit (NVWA)
Geertjesweg 15 | 6706 EA | Wageningen
Postbus 9102 | 6700 HC | Wageningen

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