[BBC] Three jobs at the CBIO lab, UCLouvain, de Duve Institutes, Brussels

Laurent Gatto laurent.gatto at uclouvain.be
Thu Apr 21 16:25:48 CEST 2022

Three positions in the CBIO lab at the de Duve Institutes, Brussels:

- A computer scientist position to model and build an IT infrastructure to track patients, samples and multi-omics data.
- A bioinformatics scientist to implement the multi-omics data processing and integration pipelines.
- A bioinformatician/data scientist focusing on spatial proteomics, post-translational modification and machine learning.

Some more details here


of feel free to get in touch.


Prof Laurent Gatto
Computational Biology Unit (CBIO)
de Duve Institute - UCLouvain 
Avenue Hippocrate, 75 - bte B1.74.10 
1200 Brussels, Belgium 
Tel: +32 (0)2 764 74 15

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