[BBC] Assistant Professor in Quantitative Biology and Data Integration (Tenure track 0.8 – 1.0 FTE) Utrecht University

Berend Snel b.snel at uu.nl
Tue Aug 9 12:20:51 CEST 2022

Dear Subscribers to the BBC mailing list,

The Institute of Biodynamics and Biocomplexity at Utrecht University is
looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic scientist to strengthen its
research and teaching activities in the fields of quantitative biology,
bioinformatics, and epigenomic data integration.

You will have the opportunity to establish your own independent research
group and contribute to training the next generation of scientists at the
Bachelor’s and Master’s level. The position will be embedded in three
divisions: Developmental Biology, Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics, and
Genome Biology & Epigenetics. Furthermore, your group will be part of the
Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC), which coordinates bioinformatic
activities across the Utrecht Science Park and unites more than 40 research
groups with strong bioinformatics research.

We would particularly like to hear from candidates with a special interest
in integrating large-scale datasets to reveal the hidden patterns and
biological mechanisms underlying gene regulation, epigenetics, and/or
developmental processes. Ideally, you will be helping to answer fundamental
biological questions by utilizing novel bioinformatic and AI approaches to
analyze single cell, multi-omics, Hi-C and other novel data sets. You will
start as an Assistant Professor with a tenure track, with a career
development plan that outlines the goals in research, teaching, and
personal development. If your evaluation is positive, you will be offered a
permanent position.

For more information see:

sincerely yours,

Berend Snel
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