[BBC] EPB-ULB : full-time academic position

GILIS Dimitri dimitri.gilis at ulb.be
Thu Nov 17 15:09:13 CET 2022

Dear all,

The Brussels School of Engineering will open a full-time academic position in Computational Modeling of Biomolecular systems. The job description is summarised below, and the full vacancy will be published on the following site from 1/12/2022 : https://www.ulb.be/fr/vacances-d-emplois-academiques-et-scientifiques/liste-complete-des-vacances-academiques-et-scientifiques

Best regards.

Dimitri Gilis
École polytechnique de Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 650 36 15
E-mail: dimitri.gilis at ulb.be<mailto:dimitri.gilis at ulb.be>

Job description
A mechanistic understanding of complex biological systems requires the consideration of multiple spatial and temporal scales, and their integration into holistic models or networks. Fluctuations play a major role in the dynamics of many of these processes and have to be considered to obtain a realistic description of these systems and their evolution. The large amounts of high-throughput biological data that are currently being produced, from the molecule to the organism scales, are an unprecedented source of information and a stepping stone to advance these issues.
To address the key challenges of biomolecular modeling, innovative mathematical, computational and modeling approaches need to be developed.
In this context, the candidate should be an expert in the modeling of:

  *   Biomolecular systems (proteins, DNA, RNA, …)
  *   Biological networks (interactome, gene regulatory networks, disease networks, …)

and this expertise should  cover multiples molecular scales
He/she should also have a solid expertise in several of the following techniques:

  *   Physics-oriented multi-scale modeling
  *   Structural bioinformatics and biomolecular design
  *   Dynamical and stochastic modeling of complex systems
  *   Data-driven modeling of biological networks
  *   State-of-the-art machine learning techniques
  *   Evolutionary and coevolutionary techniques

Area of Research: Transdisciplinary – bioinformatics, computational molecular biophysics, computational biology

Educational and scientific goals: The successful candidate is expected to integrate into the existing teaching activities of the Schools of Engineering and Bioengineering, and to develop new, top-level, scientific activities in collaboration with other groups of the Schools of Engineering and Bioengineering and the Faculty of Sciences, in particular with the ULB/VUB Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels ((IB)²).

Courses covered at the time of recruitment:

The appointed academic will take the responsibility of parts of the following courses:

  *   In the Master 1 in Bioengineering and in the Master 2 in Biomedical Engineering
     *   Introduction à la bioinformatique et à ses applications (partim of 18h in a 5 ECTS course)
  *   In the Master 1 in Bioinformatics and Modeling
     *   Biophysics and structural bioinformatics I (partim of 18h  in a 5 ECTS course)
     *   Biophysics and structural bioinformatics II (partim of 12h in a 5 ECTS course)

After one year, the appointed academic will also take responsibility of a part of the following course:

  *   In the Bachelor 1 in Bioengineering
  *    Connaissances fondamentales et éléments de physique (partim of about 48h in a 10 ECTS course

She/he will also have the opportunity in the future to contribute to other existing courses in the chemistry, bioengineering, physics, biomedical or informatics departments of the School of Engineering.

Qualifications required :
PhD Degree (with doctoral thesis) in Engineering or in Sciences.

Skills required

  *   Applicants should have at least 4 years of research experience at the time of their recruitment.
  *   Post-doctoral experience and an excellent scientific record are required.
  *   Exchange periods outside of the applicants’ home institution (during or after their PhD) will be taken into consideration when evaluating applications.
  *   Experience in master and PhD thesis supervision, and grant submission and management are a plus.
  *   Applicants who do not speak French (level C1) may be granted a period of adaptation, but they must be able to teach in French at the end of the 3rd year following their appointment.
  *   Level C1 in English is expected. Candidates must be capable of teaching in English at the time of their appointment.

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