[BBC] Open position in the CBIO lab: single-cell proteomics

BeNeLux bioinformaticians forum bbclist at psb.ugent.be
Tue Mar 14 11:12:35 CET 2023

A fully-funded position for a PhD student (4 years) or a post-doctoral researcher (2 - 3 years, depending on experience) is open in the
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics lab (CBIO) at the de Duve Institute, UCLouvain in Brussels, Belgium. 

The CBIO lab (https://lgatto.github.io/cbio-lab) has developed a leading expertise in mass spectrometry-based single-cell proteomics
data processing, analysis and interpretation (https://paperpile.com/shared/paTK2y) and is looking for a researcher to contribute to this research theme. The position will focus on computational and statistical approaches, including research software development, integration with other omics modalities, and could, depending on the candidate interests and experience, also include a small wet lab component.

The successful candidate will have a degree in bioinformatics, statistics, computer sciences, biomedical sciences, bio-engineering,
or equivalent and be able to demonstrate experience and/or keen interest in one or several of the following:

- experience in one or multiple omics experimental technologies, data processing, analysis and/or interpretation - experience in mass spectrometry and proteomics is an advantage;
- a keen interest in understanding and tackling biomedically relevant questions;
- interest in robust method development;
- background/expertise in statistics, machine learning and/or artificial intelligence;
- open and reproducible research (e.g. Rmarkdown, Jupyter notebooks, Github, version control, ...);
- research software development (e.g. unit testing, version control, continuous integration, ...);
- experience in R/Bioconductor data structures, in particular those used for omics data analysis (e.g. SummarizedExperiment,
  SingleCellExeriment, QFeatures, ...);
- contribution to an open and inclusive research environment;
- good written and oral communication skills.

The project is funded by the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS). The position is open immediately until filled.

To apply for the position, please send the following documents to Laurent Gatto:

- A cover letter describing why you would like to join the lab and how you match the requirement;
- A detailed CV including, depending on seniority, some or all of the following: a list of publications, pre-prints, posters and/or software contributions; a link to publicly available code/data analysis you have contributed to; education and professional experience; current and past positions; awards; obtained funding; teaching experience; any additional information you deem relevant.
- If no code is publicly available, please include code chunks that illustrate best your programming experience and interests.
- Among your publications/software/projects, select up to 3 and provide a short narrative describing why these are important in your
  career, your specific contributions and/or the unique skills you have gained through these.
- A list of at least 2 (for a PhD application) or 3 (for a post-doctoral researcher application) academic references.

Expectations are different for PhD or PDRA application and will be assessed accordingly.

More information is available here: https://lgatto.github.io/scp-job-2023/ 

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