[Seminars] PSB event reminder

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Sat Feb 11 15:10:01 CET 2012

Calendar Name: seminars
Scheduled for: Monday, February 13 2012, 15:00 - 16:30
Event text:    Dr Christine Granier
	       Laboratory of Plant Ecophysiology under Environmental
Details:       “Tackling leaf growth and its response to water stress:
	       high-throughput phenotyping to the rescue”
	       Understanding the physiological and genetic bases of
	       plant performance under drought is an important
	       challenge in the context of global climate change.
	       Genotypes with unaffected or increased whole plant leaf
	       area could have an advantage in terms of plant
	       performance under drought, at least in moderate or
	       transitory water deficits scenarios. In order to perform
	       a genetic engineering approach for breeding plants with
	       maintained or increased leaf area under drought
	       treatments, it is important to identify underlying
	       processes that control leaf growth in response to
	       drought and to classify them. 
	       Development of an automated phenotyping platforms and
	       imaging techniques has provided new insights into the
	       temporal and spatial patterns of leaf growth as affected
	       by drought stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. We have now
	       access to a range of phenotypic traits that are measured
	       at cellular, biophysical, physiological, and whole plant
	       levels. Increasing the throughput of leaf growth
	       analyses, i.e. increasing both the number of genotypes
	       and the variety of traits, have contributed to a better
	       understanding of how processes at different scales are
	       coordinated to control leaf growth and its response to
	       drought. Emerging properties at whole plant or whole
	       leaf scales have been highlighted with evidence that the
	       control of individual leaf expansion is more complex
	       than merely the sum of cellular processes, and the
	       control at the whole plant level is more complex than
	       the sum of individual leaf expansions. When leaf
	       expansion is maintained, this is due to a combination of
	       responses involving traits at different scales.

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