[BBC] (SCL: 999) [Fwd: Second announcement "Gene Golub Around the World"]

Ida Tassens ida.tassens at esat.kuleuven.be
Mon Feb 18 15:07:24 CET 2008


As already announced, ESAT/SCD (EE Dept, K.U.Leuven) and CESAME 
(Universite Catholique de  Louvain) organize an event  in memory of Gene 
Golub in Leuven. The  event is part of the Gene Golub Around the World 
Day (29th February,  Gene Golub's birthday - 
see http://www.cs.nyu.edu/overton/genearoundtheworld/).

On the website you can find the titles of the presentations, together 
with a short abstract: http://www.kuleuven.be/golub/ 

Preliminary program: 
9:00:   Opening: Bart De Moor, Paul Van Dooren, Sabine Van Huffel
9:30:   G. Alistair Watson, Univ. Dundee, Div. Mathematics: Some 
extensions of Gene's work on total least squares
10:00: Claude Brezinski, Univ. des Sciences et Technologies de 
Lille:  Errors in the solution of linear systems, with an application to 
10:30: Sabine Van Huffel, K.U.Leuven, EE Dept. (ESAT/SCD):  Impact of 
numerical linear algebra in computational biomedical signal processing
11:00: Coffee
11:30: Paul Van Dooren, UCL, CESAME: How to improve your PR (in 
collaboration with C. de Kerchove and L. Ninove)
12:00: Martin H. Gutknecht, ETH Zurich, Applied Mathematics:  Modified 
Moments for Indefinite Weight Functions
12:30: Raf Vandebril, K.U.Leuven, Dept. of Computer Science:  On the A x 
equals Lambda B x problem
13:00: Lunch
14:00: Bo Kågström, Umea Univ., Dept. Computing Science: Illconditioned 
eigenvalue problems - a journey with Gene from Jordan to periodic Schur 
14:30: Lieven de Lathauwer, EE Dept. (ESAT/SCD)
15:00: Annie Cuyt, Univ. Antwerpen, Dept. Mathematics and Computer 
Science: Gene's beloved "Shape from Moments" problem
15:30: Coffee
16:00: Gregory Boutry, Univ. Catholique de Lille, Faculte Libre des 
Sciences et Technologies: Gene from Marrakech to Stanford.
16:30: Bart De Moor, K.U.Leuven, EE Dept. (ESAT/SCD): Generalizations of 
the singular value and the QR decomposition for multiple matrices
17:00: End
18:00: Chinese Dinner

The talks will have the right mix of technical contribution and fond  
memories of Gene Golub.

The event will be followed by a dinner in a Chinese restaurant .

Registration, coffee breaks and sandwich lunch are free of charge.   The 
dinner will cost 40 euro.
Please register on the website (http://www.kuleuven.be/golub/ )   before 
Feb. 20, and indicate if you will attend the dinner (please  fill out 
the Dinner Registration Form).

All practical details can be found on the website (payment details,   
hotel information, final program, ...): http://www.kuleuven.be/golub/ .

We hope to welcome you at this event,

Bart De Moor, Paul Van Dooren, Sabine Van Huffel


Ida Tassens
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Tel. +32/16/32.17.09
Fax. +32/16/32.19.70
ida.tassens at esat.kuleuven.be

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

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