[BBC] [Molecular-evolution] GCG/SeqLab petition

Steve Thompson stevet at bio.fsu.edu
Fri Mar 21 16:21:23 CET 2008

Hi all -

I apologize for my multiple cross-group postings but I feel the 
importance and urgency of this message warrant it.

As many of you are aware, last summer Accelrys announced that they 
would be discontinuing support for GCG and SeqLab this upcoming 
June.  That situation dismayed me and others and I wanted to do 
something about it. I contacted Steven Smith, one of the original 
authors of SeqLab, and discussed the situation with him.  He 
volunteered to contact Accelrys in an attempt to minimally get 
SeqLab's license and code released to him.  I gave Steve several 
months to try to persuade the company.  Accelrys was not very 
cooperative.  Therefore, I set about creating a petition in an 
attempt to add some leverage. I've contacted a few of you earlier 
regarding this initiative and appreciate your support.  Anyway, I 
have created and posted that petition.  It's at:


And a nicely formatted PDF version is available in my own Web space:


I would very much appreciate you adding your name to this petition, 
if you agree with our sentiment.  Thank you for your time!

                              Cheers - Steve
                                                 Steven M. Thompson
                                 A C T G         stevet at bio.fsu.edu
                                   \-/   http://bio.fsu.edu/~stevet/cv.html
                                  /--|          FSU SCS / BioInfo 4U
                                 |--/    Florida State University School of
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                                   \--|          850-644-4490
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