[BBC] January 12: CINBIOS

Marianne Rooman mrooman at ulb.ac.be
Mon Dec 29 16:26:10 CET 2008

Dear all,


Please have a look at the program (attached) of the  CINBIOS meeting (centre
de BioInformatique et BioModélisation, ULB), which will take place on Monday
January 12 at the ULB. Everybody is wellcome !


All the best,

Marianne Rooman





Marianne Rooman

Unité de BioInformatique génomique et structurale

Service de BioSystèmes, BioModélisation & BioProcédés (3BIO)

Université Libre de Bruxelles

avenue Roosevelt 50, CP 165/61, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Tél: +32-2-650 2067

Email:  <mailto:mrooman at ulb.ac.be> mrooman at ulb.ac.be



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