[BBC] Two postdoc vacancies for toxicogenomics bioinformatics at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

Jeroen Pennings Jeroen.Pennings at rivm.nl
Fri Jan 23 13:06:59 CET 2009

Please feel free to forward this mail to suitable candidates or to bring 
them to our attention.

Two postdoc vacancies for toxicogenomics bioinformatics at the National 
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

Within the context of the Netherlands Toxicogenomics Centre (NTC), a 
multidisciplinary research effort will be executed. We aim to develop 
novel genomics-based methods for assessing human health risk associated 
with chemical exposures. The project is broken up in different work 
packages according to specific endpoints of toxicity (carcinogenesis, 
immune toxicity, reproductive toxicity, organ toxicity), and an 
overarching work package devoted to bioinformatics.

The two postdocs will provide bioinformatics support for the analysis of 
transcriptomics data as well as emerging omics data (e.g. proteomics, 
metabolomics, SNPs, miRNA). Multi-platform experimental and literature 
data will be integrated to identify genes and pathways involved in 
toxicological mechanisms. This will be used to develop in silico systems 
biology models for toxicology prediction in research models appropriate 
for the other work packages. Systems toxicology models will be validated 
regarding translation to humans and applicability in regulatory decision 

We offer an exciting working environment in a fast developing scientific 
field. Experience with bioinformatics, and the ability to connect 
mathematical approaches with biology are prerequisites.
The work place will be Bilthoven; affiliations will be with Maastricht 
University. The salary will be at the level 10 according to the Collective 
Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.

For more general information, please visit http://www.toxicogenomics.nl. 
For more specific information contact: Dr. J. Pennings, 030-2742214, 
jeroen.pennings at rivm.nl

Please send applications ultimately February 9, 2009, to:

Prof. dr. H. van Loveren, 
PO Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
the Netherlands

Jeroen Pennings
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Laboratory for Health Protection Research (GBO)
P.O.Box 1,   3720 BA Bilthoven,   The Netherlands
T:  +31 (0)30 - 274 2214
F:  +31 (0)30 - 274 4446
E:  Jeroen.Pennings at rivm.nl

Disclaimer RIVM
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