[BBC] Meeting on Robust Methods, Antwerp

Katrijn Van Deun Katrijn.VanDeun at psy.kuleuven.be
Fri Apr 22 11:13:37 CEST 2011


Dear Colleagues,

The Dutch/Flemish Classification Society (called VOC: http://www.voc.ac) organizes two scientific meetings per year. The 2011 Spring Meeting will be held on Friday May 13 in the centre of Antwerp and is on "Robust Methods". Keynote speakers are Stefan Van Aelst (Ghent University) and Marco Riani (Parma University). The program, including titles and abstracts of the presentations, is attached to this e-mail.

Those who would like to participate are welcome and are kindly requested to register by sending an e-mail to meeting at voc.ac<mailto:meeting at voc.ac> with subject 'Registration Spring Meeting 2011' and including name and affiliation in the body of the e-mail. Participation is free, lunch is available for 10 Euros and must be requested upon registration. Registration deadline: May 10th.

We hope to welcome you in Antwerp.

Best wishes (also on behalf of Mark de Rooij, co-organizer of the meeting),

Katrijn Van Deun

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